Prince Harry / Wellington National War Memorial Park


It's been a crazy time in New Zealand so far. We have only been here two days and already I want to move here. This will probably be my only update during the trip with real photos, because Prince Harry happened to be in town and I just happened to get the best photographs of him ever. He came to honor the men who fought and died during WWI at the Wellington National War Memorial, so there was a big crowd of people. He went around to shake hands and talk with people, and my friend Julia gave him one of my business cards (which I made specifically for this trip), which I'm assuming is still in his coat pocket.

Needless to say I'm pretty proud of these photos. I'm reminded of just how small the world is and how big of an impact a single person can make. Prince Harry, thanks for allowing me to photograph you, and maybe one day you can sit down for a real portrait photo shoot.